Wisconsin Rapids City Band      
Conductor: Bob Kaiser        
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Historical Band Photos

Come, stroll down memory lane and view the bands of years past. Or, since this is the Internet, it might be more appropriate to scroll, rather than stroll, down memory lane. So start scrolling. (NOTE: For best viewing of pictures you can tap your F11 key to open your browser to full screen and then tap again to return your browser to regular size again when you have finished viewing.)

"ODD FELLOWS BAND" This is the name that these players adopted and on the drum head it was lettered "Grand Rapids, Wis. IOOF Cornet Band". Reading from left to right are: John Schnable Sr. Leader, Thereon Lyon, A. F. Bandeline, Rudoply Muehlstein, Walter Wood, Russ Lyon, D. B. Philleo, E. B. Fritszinger, Reuben Lyon, Steve Demarais, Frank Morrill. Neither creed nor ritual interfered with these players for some never were in an Odd Fellow’s Hall, but they left their mark as a fine musical organization. The history of bands in Wisconsin Rapids dates back to the 1870's. The Lyon family band was the first band to be organized with the Odd Fellows band following.
Picture source was 100 YEARS OF PICTORIAL & DESCRIPTIVE HISTORY OF WISCONSIN RAPIDS WISCONSIN BY T.A. TAYLOR (1934) on the McMillan Memorial Library Web Site.

"TWIN CITY BAND" This band, organized in 1890, was one of the many successful bands of this locality. Reading from left to right top row are: Fred Stamm, John Planke, "Dutch" Billmyer, Ed Morrill, Frank Compton. Middle Row: T. W. Brazeau, Chas. Philleo, John Schnable, Chas. Parker, Ruben Lyon, Stephen Brazeau. Front Row: Will Burt, Dell White, D. B. Philleo and Director Grant White. This picture was taken about 1893.
Picture source was 100 YEARS OF PICTORIAL & DESCRIPTIVE HISTORY OF WISCONSIN RAPIDS WISCONSIN BY T.A. TAYLOR (1934) on the McMillan Memorial Library Web Site.

"CIRCA 1890"
Picture source was Earle Garber's Photo Collection.

"BLISS BAND" Frank Bliss was director of the organization from 1905 to 1910. Frank wrote several marches and was director of more than average ability. The band received an invitation from the State Fair at Milwaukee on two occasions. Reading from left to right Top row are: Fred Kruger, Ed. Morrill, Ed. Schmidt, Dan Ellis, Max Sawaske, next below: A. P. Hirzy, Chas. Halverson, Carl Fritzsinger, W. T. Noble, Geo. Davis, Drum Major, Peter Billmeyer, Gus. Kaye, Harry Little, T. A. Taylor, Emil Beck, Tony Rantz. Front row: Robt. Morris. Wm. Drumb, Alex Jones, Art Podawiltz, Frank Bliss, Director, Art Chose, George Ellis, G. D. Fritzsinger, Louis Peyruse.
Picture source was 100 YEARS OF PICTORIAL & DESCRIPTIVE HISTORY OF WISCONSIN RAPIDS WISCONSIN BY T.A. TAYLOR (1934) on the McMillan Memorial Library Web Site.

"CIRCA 1910"
Picture source was Earle Garber's Photo Collection.

"Consolidated Water Power and Paper Company Band at Milwaukee State Fair (1920)"
Picture source was Earle Garber's Photo Collection.

"TWIN CITY BAND" Emil Lambert is the Director. He took on the band in 1915. Reading from left to right are: Top row: Drum Major: William White, August Neuberger, D. W. Middlecamp, Everett Lambert, John Kobza, Anton Walczak, M. O. Lipke, David Mewaldt, Ernest Prisler, Arthur Peters, Irving Kabitsky, Royce Fuller, E. W. Beck, George Ellis, Harry Karnitz, E. Morrill, Wm. Burt. Second Row: Eric Karburg, Ray Mass, Art Gaetke, Irving Pribineau, Noel Creed, John Suchoski, E. A. Lambert, director, J. Skarwecki, Lola Payne, Chas. Parker, Anton Walter, Earl Akey, Edward Witzig, Harold Woodell. First Row: Louis Peryuse, Earl Otto, Leo Neitzel, Geo. Monson, Lee Covey, Anton Kobza, Roy Carlson, W. T. Nobles, Leneord (sic) Romanski, A. Yanta, Roy Lemke
Picture source was 100 YEARS OF PICTORIAL & DESCRIPTIVE HISTORY OF WISCONSIN RAPIDS WISCONSIN BY T.A. TAYLOR (1934) on the McMillan Memorial Library Web Site.

"CIRCA 1930"
Picture source was Earle Garber's Photo Collection.

Picture source was Earle Garber's Photo Collection.